7 de Julio
Buenas tardes!
Tonight Spain played Germany in the semi-finals for the World Cup. SPAIN WON!!!!!! Many of us sadly have a test tomorrow, but we did make it to one of our favorite local bars to watch the game, join the locals, and sing “A por ellos, ole” a few times. Germany is a great team and the outcome was unclear, but we won 1-0 after scoring on a header from a corner kick. Everyone in the bar jumped out of their seats, someone broke a glass, others banged on the counters, and cheers abounded. After the game, the streets of the city arose from the dead with car horns, songs, and screaming. It is 1:18am and I just heard a car horn outside still celebrating. What a night..
After the game, Mel and I grabbed a quick dinner. When we arrive home after dinnertime (dinner is usually at 9:30pm), our padre waits up for us with food on the table. They do not believe in refrigeration like we do in the states, so yes, my meat had been on the counter for over an hour. I don’t want to know how long my chicken was left out, but it did taste good. I am increasing my tolerance to a new kind of “leftovers.” On another note, we always have a carbohydrate with lunch and dinner, which is usually pasta or rice. Our father made a type of fried rice for lunch. In my determination to be healthy, I initially filled my plate with lettuce and then gave it to him to fill with rice. Do not forget, there is always a second course. We had salmon! It was delicious, but I did have to be careful of las espinas (spine = small bones).
After lunch, in lei of a siesta, I continued studying for my test in Civilization tomorrow. It’s hard to have a test after such a big game, no matter the outcome. Since I was able to complete most of my studying before hand, I did a review after the game and I am now about to go to bed. However, it is extremely hot in our house tonight. Almost all the windows are open, but when it is still about 85/90 degrees outside, it is a bit difficult to find comfort. Two days ago it was 107! I ended up going to the fridge and finding an ice pack for my neck – it will be my bed buddy tonight. The first time I took it out of the freezer my padre quickly told me that this was not ice that I could drink. Ha – they must not think we have these in the states. Nonetheless, he is always looking out for us!
Note: Mel and I found two fans upstairs… We have not been offered these and the family does not use them in order to save electricity. I am learning how much simpler life can be and understanding more what I can tolerate. Energy and water are much more expensive here, but I can only imagine how much less our bills in the US would be if we were to adapt these strategies.
We are still enjoying homemade orange juice every morning. Our padre goes to the local market every Monday to buy fruit and brings home about 30 lbs of oranges each week. I am completely spoiled with the amount of fruit around me at all times! I am still getting used to the milk, though. It does not need to be refrigerated before it is opened, and thus every morning I pray that there is a sufficient amount in the already opened, cold carton and we do not have to open a new one.
Vacations in Spain take place during August. Schools finish the first week of June and begin in September. Our mother has a month long vacation each year in August. They usually travel to see their grandparents, the city of Cuenca (hanging houses) or take a trip to the beach. Spain has around 2,000 beaches and ALL of them are public!
When my madre grew up, her mom would keep live chickens outside and kill them when they were ready to eat them. Hum…
Grades are up from first semester of classes. I received two A’s! Wahooo
Not traveling is like reading only one page of the book of life
We are half way done with the second semester and head home in a little over two weeks! I have a rotating background on my computer of all the photos from the trip and looking back I realize how time has truly sped by and there are so many things to still do here. You get this feeling after only a short time.
Brice just arrived in Austria and is already planning to return next summer. Go abroad! It is expensive and sometimes stressful to plan; however, when you arrive at your destination you forget the nervous tension you once held onto. Once you begin traveling, you are filled with a rush of adrenaline in feeling that you have to keep exploring. Traveling is an eye opening, and humbling, experience. Go see that everyone does not live like us! You will not regret it.
Hasta luego!!
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