Monday, May 31, 2010

1 de Junio - la noche


I just returned home from our meeting tonight and some shopping. I have learned a few things about Spanish customs:

- Stores (las tiendas) have the following hours: 8:30 – 2:00pm & 5:00pm – 8:30pm
- There are ample opportunities to recycle. Next to every trash pick up there are two huge recycle bins, one for plastics and another for glass. In addition, there are sometimes bins for old clothes.
- In order to get a plastic bag for your items at the grocery store, you have to pay .01 Euro because they encourage you to use your reusable bags (like the green publix ones)
- The toilet flushes differently. It took me 5 minutes to figure out that I needed to pull the button on top of the toilet up to make it flush
- Many people use toilets that clean you after you go to the bathroom with water instead of using toilet paper – I opt out of this option, surprisingly

As I venture around, I think of many things that I would like to share with you, but I cannot always remember them when I begin to write.
I went to the store today and needed lotion but did not know the word for it. I was glad when the person understood what I needed when I referred to it as something you use after you shower. It was about 10 euros for lotion, shampoo, conditioner, and soap. I also bought some notebooks for school. The paper is longer than I am used to and it is graph paper not lined. My mom would like this!

We tried to buy phones today; however, everywhere we tried was sold out due to the large demand for go phones.

I am finding it more difficult to write in English as I spend my days talking in Spanish. My Spanish is definitely improving but I do have a ways to go. I usually understand English speakers when they use Spanish, but it is difficult to always understand Spanish speakers because they talk quickly and with more difficult words.

Dinner will be served soon. I believe we are having fish.


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